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Elite Luxury Wedding
If you wish to have a wedding with special decoarations, limousine, even more special dinner that we already offer or All inclusive party then contatc us to discuss with you your Elite Luxury wedding in our venue.
Venue Decoration
Incredible weddings come with incredible decoration of the ceremony place. We will decorate the area where your ceremony will take place , the beach or the monastery inside and/or outside as well as the pathway towards the ceremony area. We will select the flowers and materials to create an amazing atmosphere for you and your guests.
Venue Decoration – Full Ceremony area decoration plus pathway from suite to ceremony area
Decoration: Full Ceremony area decoration plus pathway from suite to ceremony area
Yacht After Wedding Party
If you are one of those that you want your wedding party to never finish then we have the right idea for you. An After party in a Yacht that will pick you up from our marina and sail the ocean while you dance and have a few drinks celebrating your big day. We can offer you just the yacht or a decorated yacht with full drinks service.
Yacht After Wedding Party – Decorated Yacht with full Service All Inclusive
Yacht: Decorated Yacht with full Service All Inclusive